In most cases yes, but please read the LMC Display Policy for guidelines.

Display Policies

Purpose: The Glendale Community College Libraries encourage displays that convey educational value for students, faculty and staff of Glendale Community College (GCC) and increase awareness and/or promote the use of the GCC Libraries, GCC or Maricopa County Community College (MCCCD) resources, organizations, or programs. This policy does not apply to works that are a part of the art collection housed in the GCC Libraries.

Who May Request Displays: Organizations affiliated with the Maricopa County Community College District and Glendale Community College. Organizations who wish to display materials in the GCC Libraries are subject to approval.

Individuals may not request personal displays: External organizations requesting displays are encouraged to seek GCC or MCCCD sponsorship prior to submitting a request. In some cases, displays may be created at the request of an external organization when such displays promote college goals, library resources and services, and/or the goals stated in the purpose section, above. External requests require approval of the Department Chairperson.

Student Organizations: Displays sponsored by student organizations should be coordinated between club leadership and a librarian. Recognizing that student organizations are aligned with varied professional, social, cultural, religious, and political interests of the student body, GCC Libraries seek to provide a forum whereby such clubs can express the viewpoint of the organization while promoting their organization, library resources, academic inquiry, and civil discussion. As such, displays relating to controversial issues may be required to include materials which represent diverging viewpoints. Additionally, student organizations interested in expressing alternate viewpoints may be invited to sponsor a display which might contribute to a broader discussion.

Contact - Requests: Display requests should be directed to the respective Display Coordinators at GCC Main LMC and GCC North LCC. Requests require the identity of the displayer and GCC/MCCCD affiliation, a brief description of the theme and/or contents of the proposed exhibit/display, the dates of the display, and contact information. Display space is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Advance scheduling is preferred. Display Coordinators at GCC and GCCN will work with requestors to plan displays. GCC-affiliated organizations have preference over non-GCC organizations.

Request Frequency: The number and frequency of displays arranged by any one organization is typically limited to one per semester.

Approvals: All displays at GCC Libraries are subject to approval by the Display Coordinator and the Department Chair who reserve the right to final say on display contents (as meeting the Purpose of displays as noted above).

Display Locations: Display locations will be determined by library staff in coordination with the requesting organization.

Display Contents: Preferred items for display include materials owned by GCC libraries (including books and videos, handouts, brochures, mounted subject matter). Displays at GCC Main and GCC North campuses do not have to be replicated at each facility. However, campus groups should consider both locations when proposing displays.

General Guidelines:

  • Displays are not for the purpose of promoting personal views/opinions, or commercial and organizational positions. Displays should seek to promote academic inquiry and civil discussion when addressing controversial issues.
  • All displays must meet existing State and Federal laws on obscenity, libel, defamation of character or invasion of privacy.
  • The GCC Libraries do not accept responsibility for ensuring that all points of view are represented in any single display. Granting permission to display materials does not imply endorsement of content by the GCC Libraries, GCC, or MCCCD.
  • GCC Libraries will not accept responsibility for the accuracy of statements made in such materials. However, the GCC Libraries reserve the right to include materials that present opposing viewpoints of material contained in the display.
  • Displays are not to be used for sales or commercial functions.
  • The GCC Libraries reserve the right to alter or remove any display.
  • The GCC Libraries assume no responsibility for theft, loss, damage, or destruction of display items.
  • Displays must not present a safety hazard to library users, personnel, or the facilities.
  • GCC Libraries-produced or -solicited displays have priority over displays proposed by other campus or district organizations.
  • Organizations are encouraged to suggest reading lists of GCC Libraries materials that enhance the exhibit.

Attribution: Displays sponsored by organization outside of GCC Libraries will clearly state the sponsoring organization.

Duration of Displays: Displays will normally be approved for a period of not more than one month.

Typically display duration and event-related displays is approximately two weeks. Those displays that commemorate an event will be removed within two work days after the event. The person, department, or organization responsible for planning and setting up the display/exhibit is responsible for removing materials. Display items not removed are subject to removal by the library staff.

Last Updated: Jan 17, 2024 Views: 40 FAQ Views