Checkout periods:

Books and CDs 

28 days, one renewal


Non-book items (DVDs, etc.) 

7 days, one renewal


Reserve Materials 

2 hours, in-library use only


Laptop computers 

4 hours, in-library use only


Loan limits:


20 items / 5 non-book items



20 items 



10 items / 3 non-book items


Community Borrowers 

5 items / 3 non-book items



Items on hold must be picked up within 10 days


Students / Faculty/Staff 

Unlimited holds  


Alumni / Community Borrowers

5 holds  



28-day renewals are limited to ONE time only.

Renew online, phone or in the library. Items on hold will not renew. 



Items may be returned to any Maricopa County Community College District Library



Overdue items are assumed lost. Fines are assessed as follows:

Books & CDs:

28 days past due, the borrower will be fined the cost of the item.

Non-Book Items (DVDs, etc.):

14 days past due, the borrower will be fined the cost of the item.

Borrowers have 90 days from the assumed lost date to return overdue items and have the fine reversed.


After 90 days, no fines will be reversed. This includes previous payments for overdue items that are subsequently returned. 

Reserve Items: 

Reserves removed from the library are overdue/assumed lost. Borrowers will be charged a replacement cost fine and a non-refundable $10.00 a day fee (to a maximum of $70.00) per item.  If the item is returned, the replacement cost fine may be waived. The $10.00 a day fee will not be waived.

Fines and fees may be paid at the college's Cashier's Office or in your Student Center. Unpaid fines and fees will prohibit students from checking out library materials, registering for classes or ordering transcripts, and may be sent to collections.


Effective July 1, 2021 assumed lost items will no longer be charged a $10 processing fee. Fines and fees incurred prior to July 1, 2021 will not be reversed.

These Policies are found on the MCCCD Library Borrowing Guidelines approved by the Maricopa County Community College District’s Governing Board 9/11/14

Last Updated: Jan 17, 2024 Views: 170 FAQ Views