The Library Media Center's Collaborative Classroom (L-138) is available for instruction sessions, primarily for classes and workshops requiring librarian instruction or supervision.

Classroom equipment includes:

  • Twenty Laptops
  • Ten Desktop PCs
  • Movable tables and chairs
  • Instructor workstation
  • Projection system
  • VCR & DVD player
  • Pad camera
  • Overhead projector

Please be advised when booking Independent Research or Library Instruction that L-138 has been redesigned. There are 10 desktop PCs along the back wall and a cart with 20 laptops. There are movable tables for students to use with the laptops that can be arranged as you like, but you may need to build in a little time to set them up and return them at the end of the class period. There is also a key sign-out and sign-in procedure at the reference desk.

Classes or workshops requiring librarian instruction have priority for using this classroom. Independent research (IR) session(s) - no librarian required - may also be scheduled by faculty.

Library Classroom (L-138) Independent Research Policy

  • Librarian led instruction in support of academic work is a priority use for the L-138 classroom.
  • During the first eight weeks of the semester, L-138 is reserved for library instruction. However, during this period, the room may be used for independent research provided that:
    1. the room is available, and
    2. the request is submitted no earlier than 4 days prior to the date and time needed.
  • Use of the classroom after the first eight weeks for independent research is available with the following restrictions:
    1. Requests can be made no earlier than the beginning of Week Eight.
    2. Librarian led instruction in support of academic work is a priority use for the L-138 classroom.
    3. Previously scheduled independent research sessions may be rescheduled at the library's discretion with at least one week notice to the original requestor
  • L-138 may be requested for Independent Research no more than two times during the semester per class section.

Scheduling options are listed on the Faculty Resources page. 

Please do not assume a class has been scheduled until you receive an e-mail or phone confirmation to that effect.  

If your instruction needs can not be met within this policy framework, we recommend contacting your Curriculum Technicians at for other computer classroom options.

Faculty members who schedule a class for independent research in L-138 must be present during the time the class is in session.

Maintenance on the computers will normally be arranged for times when the room is not formally scheduled. In such instances, maintenance operations will have priority over any casual or unscheduled computer uses or informal class sessions.

Last Updated: Jan 17, 2024 Views: 136 FAQ Views