Members of our community are welcome to use the Library and its resources with the understanding that our academic context by necessity privileges service to our students first and foremost. Our collections are developed specifically to support student learning, and we strive to maintain an environment conducive to that emphasis. Community members are expected to abide by the Library's and MCCCD's policies and to anticipate that our hours of operation revolve around (and vary according to) semester-based class scheduling.
Library Account Requirements
Community members who are Maricopa County residents may create an account to borrow materials from the MCC Library. Community Borrower accounts will expire one year fromm the date of issue and must be in good standing (owe no money) for the MCC Library to renew borrowing privileges. Requirements include:
- Obtain MEID (Maricopa Enterprise Identification) and password
- Age 18 or older
- Arizona state-issued photo ID with Maricopa County address (or AZ state photo ID with proof of Maricopa County residency)
- After creating your MEID and password you will show library Circulation desk staff your AZ state photo ID. Staff will then create your Library account.
Borrower Privileges
Please refer to Maricopa Libraries Borrowing Guidelines for information on checkout periods, renewals, and related information.
Computer Use Policies
The MCC Library Southern & Dobson and Red Mountain Libraries have public computer work stations designated for use by community members. Usage policies include:
- Computer usage is limited to a 3 hour maximum per day.
- User must provide photo ID to obtain a computer pin.
- Community users are expected to follow MCCCD Technology Resource Standards and refrain from Prohibited Conducted detailed therein. Infractions will result in a permanent loss of library privileges.
Library Database & eResources Access
Community Borrowers have access to MCC Library Databases & eResources while they are on-campus using a public computer workstation or their own device that is logged into the MCC wifi network. Please see the Community Borrowers: Databases & eResources Research Guide for access.
Library Conduct
- Please see MCC Library Conduct policies.
- Children, any individuals under the age of 18 who are not currently enrolled in credit-based courses, must be accompanied and supervised by an adult when inside our building (or anywhere on campus) per MCCCD Administrative Regulation 2.4.10.